GroenLinks biggest party, Connect Wageningen from nothing on 2 seats

Foto: Connect Wageningen

The biggest win in the local elections is for new party Connect Wageningen, they participated for the first time and won almost 7% of the votes, good for two seats.

GroenLinks is the biggest party now and have a seat extra til 6. D66 (5), Stadspartij Wageningen (5), the VVD (2) and the ChristenUnie (1) keep the same amount of seats.

The PvdA (now 2), theCDA (now 1), the SP (now 1) all lost one seat

Preliminary results

List no. List name Votes/%


Seats 2018 Seats 2014
1 Democraten 66 (D66) 3328 (17,60 %) 5 5
2 GroenLinks 4235 (22,39%) 6 5
3 Stadspartij Wageningen 3446 (18,22 %) 5 5
4 Partij van de Arbeid (PvdA) 1462 (7,73%) 2 3
5 Christen Democratisch Appèl (CDA) 1182 (6,25%) 1 2
6 VVD 1732 (9,16%) 2 2
7 SP (Socialistische Partij) 948 (5,01%) 1 2
8 ChristenUnie 1277 (6,75%) 1 1
9 Connect Wageningen 1304 (6,89%) 2
Total 18914 25 25
2018 2014
Total valid votes 18991 18034
Blanco votes 77
Not valid 61 119
Voters 19052
Total turnout 63,08 % 61,84 %

The results are preliminary and are finally adopted on 23 March by the Chief polling-station.

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